Special Sessions/Forums/Side Events Cinema
Oct 06, 2022 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20221006T1330 20221006T1430 Europe/Amsterdam Post-conflict and post-disaster Rebuilding and Regeneration

Day-in, day-out the latest bad news end up in our email boxes, out social media streams or on the headlines of our newspapers and -websites. Many of them tell us about the latest disasters, wars or conflicts, events that profoundly change the lives of those affected. 

In many cases infrastructure, buildings, entire cities or regions are destroyed and often it takes decades to rebuild what has been lost in a matter of minutes, hours or days. Often the disaster or the conflict is followed by an agonizing time of waiting and provisional solutions that regularly become 'permanent temporarity' locking people into their fate and depriving them of a better life that is possible. 

As planners and urban designers we could play a crucial role in shaping that better future but all too often we are not involved while we are having the knowledge that can have a positive impact on post disaster or post conflict rebuilding. But since each of these watershed event is different and each of them happens in a local context, we believe exchange of our own expertise is important and imminent. 

In this session we therefore want to discuss and exchange our own experience in post conflict and post disaster regeneration and rebuilding. We want to do this on the background of the war taking place on Ukrainian soil but also on flooding events that drowned 1/3 of Pakistan or earthquakes that hit Taiwan.

Do you have experience in the subject or do you want to learn about it? Do you want to connect to colleagues working in the same field or do you want to get involved? Then join us!

Cinema 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress in Brussels, Belgium congress@isocarp.org
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Day-in, day-out the latest bad news end up in our email boxes, out social media streams or on the headlines of our newspapers and -websites. Many of them tell us about the latest disasters, wars or conflicts, events that profoundly change the lives of those affected. 

In many cases infrastructure, buildings, entire cities or regions are destroyed and often it takes decades to rebuild what has been lost in a matter of minutes, hours or days. Often the disaster or the conflict is followed by an agonizing time of waiting and provisional solutions that regularly become 'permanent temporarity' locking people into their fate and depriving them of a better life that is possible. 

As planners and urban designers we could play a crucial role in shaping that better future but all too often we are not involved while we are having the knowledge that can have a positive impact on post disaster or post conflict rebuilding. But since each of these watershed event is different and each of them happens in a local context, we believe exchange of our own expertise is important and imminent. 

In this session we therefore want to discuss and exchange our own experience in post conflict and post disaster regeneration and rebuilding. We want to do this on the background of the war taking place on Ukrainian soil but also on flooding events that drowned 1/3 of Pakistan or earthquakes that hit Taiwan.

Do you have experience in the subject or do you want to learn about it? Do you want to connect to colleagues working in the same field or do you want to get involved? Then join us!

Professor of Architecture and Urbanism
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