At the heart of the Congress Theme, Track 4 explores the ultimate paradigm shift needed to transition from growth-based development to place-based and circular economies: 

The planning community is central in delivering and maintaining the spatial processes and solutions needed for this transformational shift to a new economic reality. It is a complex and multiscale effort that runs along the local-global continuum. These challenges and opportunities must be understood to ensure that happy, secure, equitable and just neighbourhoods, cities, and regions are realised. 

Economies underpin the majority of our daily decisions and actions, and economic performance directly influences our welfare, quality of life and livelihoods. Unfortunately, economies and urban systems are becoming increasingly burdensome, unjust, and manipulated, resulting in unhealthy and vulnerable communities. The planning community has a responsibility to promote, through its expertise, methods and collaboration, a fundamental shift towards a 'new' healthy economy for cities and society at large.

Join Us to Explore:                

  • Urban de-growth and post-growth economies: Implications for society, the environment as well as urban development, planning practice and theory.
  • Regenerative urban systems and practice: Insights into the regenerative process in terms of planning, design, and implementation for the promotion of a healthy economy.
  • Radical reshaping of the built environment: Exploring innovative, SMART and socio-environmentally relevant practices and technologies for urban infrastructure through the entire supply chain  -  From conception to construction! 
  • Housing as a fundamental right: A critical re-evaluation of the housing market as well as the creation of new and alternative types of homes and neighbourhoods, creating a thriving cooperative sector and collectively co-shaping the future.
  • Descaling, sharing and localisation: Promoting local and sustainable experiences, resource use, supply chain management plus less waste within the sharing and circular economy.
  • Cultural and creative economies: Innovative, indigenous, context-sensitive and resilient practices from communities for the promotion of individual and collective livelihoods.

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