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Site visit 1- Number of places: 20 

Tivoli Neighbourhood, a successful example of functional and social mixities 

Guide: Benoit Moritz, ordinary professor, Université libre de Bruxelles.

The Tivoli district is considered an exemplary district in terms of both environmental and social sustainability. It combines different programmes that are often presented as not very compatible, as well as a very diversified offer of accessible housing (social housing, medium-sized housing, cooperative housing, Community Land Trust).

The visit with the designer of the urban planning project will allow a better understanding of the development issues of this new district.A visit of the cooperative housing building is also planned.

Benoit Moritz is an architect and urban planner.
Through his activities at MSA, Benoit Moritz participated in the development of numerous urban planning projects in Brussels and Wallonia (Charleroi, Seraing, Liège, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, reconstruction of the Vesdre valley).
He has developed teaching and research activities at the Faculty of Architecture (ULB), where he coordinates the Master of Specialisation in territorial management and urban development Auguste Cador (ULB/UMons, Charleroi). He is also co-coordinator of the interdisciplinary research centre Metrolab.Brussels. Benoit Moritz is the author of numerous articles on urban planning and public space. Since 2017, he is a member of the "Classe des Arts" of the Royal Academy of Belgium.
Benoit Moritz

Site visit 2 - Number of places: 15

Building Brussels economic resilience in the Canal area

Guide: Pietro Fragapane, Economic Transition Department, Brussels Environnement

Rich in its industrial heritage, the Canal area of Brussels has become the place of its economic resilience. Indeed, a variety of innovative initiatives are reshaping the city's productive activity towards a more sustainable economy. We invite you for a walking tour to discover some of the most inspiring ones, the game changers that reinvent new business models towards a more circular economy. Our first stop will be at will be at Greenbizz, the first sustainable economy incubator in Brussels which offers 5,500 m2 of production workshops and 2,800 m2 of office space: a genuine ecosystem where the occupants can collaborate, exchange and move forward with their projects..There, we will meet one or more of the incubated companies which would present their model. Our tour will then continue with the visit of the company "BC materials" which transforms excavated earth from construction sites into building materials such as clay plasters or compressed earth blocks. These products are circular, carbon neutral, healthy and possess minimal grey energy. Our journey will end at a local brewery « les Brasseries de la Senne » which is at the origins of the « new wave » of craft beer in Brussels. 

means of transport: by foot

Pietro has a degree in Applied Economics. He worked for more than 15 years in the private sector as an IT Business consultant. He then decided to change his career path and joined Bruxelles Environnement to work as economist for the Water Department where he was in charge of analysing and controlling  the infrastructure investments and their impacts on water price determination. He is now co-responsible for the coordination of the deployment of the new  Regional Strategy for Transition Economy called "Shifting Economy".
Pietro Fragapane


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